Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The EBF conference for 2011 was held at Sawyer Highlands Church in Sawyer, Michigan, by the invitation of Brother Bob Klint, one of the most recent members of the EBF board, who is an active member of this church. Our thanks goes out to the church, for the use of the church facilities; to Melissa Klint, for hosting dinner for the group and housing some of the group; and to Pastor Jeff Dryden for his support and encouragement.

The meeting started with morning Bible study led by Brother Fletchall. As always, it was a very encouraging time in the Word. Mark Walker then reported on his mission’s work in Germany and Romania through a power point presentation.

The fellowship continued over lunch at a local restaurant where mid-western cuisine was served.

After lunch, Robert Frye reported on his ministry in Romania and shared a short video of a visit with Matthew Walker and his family.

Next president of EBF, Merton
Bobo, shared a letter from Matthew Walker addressed to the mission board. Brother Merton Bobo, then shared with board his decision to no longer pursue France as his mission field. At this time, the EBF business meeting began. The women of the group headed upstairs for fellowship and prayer while the men stayed for the business meeting. It continued until dinner that evening, at the Klints.

Saturday morning began with the morning Bible study, once again led by Brother Fletchall.

The morning business meeting followed. It was decided that all EBF officers would remain in their current positions. Bob Klint was unanimously voted as the new Vice President.

The meeting adjourned before lunch.

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